Political/Pop Culture Cartoons

Who's On First?
Breaking Bugs
Insult to Injury
Childish Politicians

In addition to making "Packed Pictures," I also like to make standalone cartoons. Some are based on politics; other are based on pop culture. Every cartoon has a punchline.

Unfortunately, some cartoons are dated, and one would need to have background knowledge on the characters, setting, and situation to understand the joke. For example, I created "Childish Politicians" immediately after watching the 2nd Presidential Debate for the 2016 Election. During the debate, Hilary Clinton called Donald Trump a puppet. In response, Trump immaturely yelled "NO, YOU'RE A PUPPET!" I thought that comment was so ridiculous that I decided to draw actual puppets (Ernie and Bert) watching this scene, and weighing in on the situation.

To separate/categorize these from my other cartoon pieces, I leave these in black and white.


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